Hotel Room Cleaning Checklist
A hotel’s success in business depends partially on its marketing strategies and partially on reference. We all remember a pleasant stay at a hotel, with a clean and healthy ambience along with its good food quality and efficient service. Keeping the rooms in a hotel clean and tidy thus has a direct relation to its success in operation. Every hotel, big or small, has its own housekeeping division. It is important for the supervisor to see that the guest rooms’ cleaning is done as per the schedule and that the store is amply stocked with amenities, cleaning tools and agents to help the cleaners do their job efficiently.
It is also essential to maintain a hotel room cleaning checklist. This checklist will not only improve the quality of service, but also quicken the process. Another utility of maintain a hotel room cleaning checklist is for supervision- to check if everything has been attended.
Here is a hotel room checklist that you might find useful to use in your commercial outlet. You may need to alter it according to your needs.
It is suggested that cleaning should be done” top-down”. This means the higher levels should be cleaned first leaving the floors for the last. It helps in avoiding re-doing a work.
- Open the windows and air the room
- Check and clean the ceiling for cobwebs
- Spot clean the walls from stains
- Clean Air-conditioners filters
- Dust and check Air-conditioners/heaters dusted for working properly
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Light fixtures and switchboards dusted and cleaned
- Pictures and wall décor straightened and dusted
- Lamp shades cleaned and straightened
- Check the drapes for smooth operation
- Vacuum clean the drapes
- Clean the window panes and tracks
- Check and dust corners from cobwebs
- Furniture straightened and dusted
- Bed head, chairs, desk tops, tables, dressers dusted and arranged neatly
- Check for hangers in the wardrobe
- Furniture upholstery vacuum cleaned from debris and dirt
- Fluff and air the cushions
- Check for smooth operation of drawers of all furniture Make beds correctly
- Check bed sheets for statins and rip
- Air mattress
- Air and fluff pillows
- All mirrors and glass surfaces cleaned from spots and hand prints
- Ashtrays and trash bins cleared
- Replace liners of the bin
- Dust and clean luggage racks, shoe racks
- Check the refrigerator (if any)
- Restock with the missing items
- Check other electrical gadgets in the room to see if working properly
- Check the light bulbs
- Replace the ones flickering or fused bulbs
- Check telephone
- Clean the telephone handset
- Check all the charging points and make sure all the switches are turned off
- Check and arrange the stationaries on the table
- Vacuum and clean floor Spot clean any stains
- Check door handle
- Clean door handle Use room freshener to deodorize the room
- Clean bathroom walls
- Clean the bathtubs, shower area
- Clean the commode and toilet bowls, seat covers, rim, inside and underside
- Disinfect the toilet and commode
- Check if flush working properly
- Clean sink
- Clean the faucets
- Check shower curtain for tears and stains
- Clean shower curtain
- Remove used towels
- Put in fresh towels in the towel cabinets and rods
- Check stock of toilet paper, soap, hand wash, shampoo etc.
- Check hair dryer
- Check the charging points and other electrical outlets
- Switch off all switches
- Refill dispensers
- Dust and clean the cabinets
- Dust and clean the light and other fixtures
- Dust and clean the vents
- Check for broken tiles
- Check for dirty grouts
- Clean the grouts
- Empty trash can, replace liner
- Clean and dry floors
- Clean and dry mats
- Clean the door and door knobs
- Deodorize the bathroom
Well maintained and clean guest rooms are always appreciated by the guests and it assures that they come back to you again and refer your name to others.